“Russia-India-China” dialogue format: The Chinese factor, current prospects, tasks for Russia
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“Russia-India-China” dialogue format: The Chinese factor, current prospects, tasks for Russia
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Sergei V. Uyanaev 
Occupation: Leading researcher, Deputy Director of the IDV RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article attempts to analyze the potential and prospects of cooperation for trilateral cooperation among Russia, India and China (RIC) in the context of the current aggravation of the international situation.

The author proceeds from the fact that the dialogue format of the RIС initially aimed to promote a polycentric world order, as well as to push forward the practical cooperation among and between (bilateral level) the three countries in economic, social, cultural, humanitarian, scientific, technical and other similar spheres, nowadays has both considerable opportunities and noticeable limitations. The latter are connected, in particular, with the complexities of Sino-Indian relations, with the ambiguous, therefore, role of the “Chinese factor” regarding especially the relations between Moscow and New Delhi.

There are some issues (usually of a routine nature) awaiting resolution in Moscow’s bilateral relations both with Beijing and New Delhi. The risks experienced by the RIC format in the context of current international transformations also play their role.

Russia, which is interested in strengthening the RIC, is now facing the task of finding answers to a number of challenges. Among them is the need to build equally strong and stable relations both with India and China, and to pursue a policy that would not allow somebody reproaching Russia with any “preferences” in one direction or another.

It is also important to carefully encourage India to participate in such structures as BRICS and SCO, to contribute - delicately and unobtrusively - to promotion of Sino-Indian relations, including the solving of border problem.

Russia, India, China, RIC, interaction, dialogue format, challenges
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