About Africa and about yourself in it (Russian wives of Africans in the literary space)
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About Africa and about yourself in it (Russian wives of Africans in the literary space)
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Natalia L. Krylova 
Occupation: Principal Researcher, Centre for Sociological and Political Sciences Studies
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the history of the creation and analysis of literary works created by Russian compatriots living in Africa today. Educated women who left the USSR/Russia is not alien to literary interests. Their works are autobiographical. But these are not only autobiographies of the individual, These women write a biography of" Russian " Africa against the background of large-scale socio-political and socio-cultural processes and events of the twentieth century, creating a unique stylistic atmosphere of the described era and continent. Women's existence and life description in the conditions is an independent and at the same time dependent segment in the general culture of the Russian diaspora.

The most important part of the migration process is social and household adaptation. And how successful this process is depends on a number of factors, one of which was the need to master new cultural skills and attitudes, combining them with everyday practices exported from the Homeland. Their prose works also reflect a nostalgic sense of waiting for the Motherland. At the same time, their works are an artistic heritage on topical issues of the life and culture of compatriots in Africa, the moral and spiritual foundations of their time, which they generously share with new generations of Russians The artistic prose and journalism of Russian women permanently residing in Africa are interesting and significant as a full-fledged source for historical, cultural, sociological, and anthropological research.

Africa, Russia, compatriots, creativity, mixed marriage, literary process, prose, multiculturalism, adaptation, tradition
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