1. World Economic Situation and Prospects. United Nations, New York, 2021. https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/wpcontent/uploads/sites/45/WESP2021_FullReport.pdf (accessed 02.10.2021)
2. 观察丨2020年中国对外贸易分析 (Overlook. Analysis of China`s Foreign Trade in 2020). (In Chin.). https://www.sohu.com/na/448517702_731021 (accessed 08.11.2021)
3. 商务部有关负责人谈2021年1-7月我国外贸运行情况 (The person in charge from the Ministry of Commerce discussed China’s foreign trade performance in January-July 2021). (In Chin.). http://www.gov.cn/shuju/2021-08/10/content_5630536.htm (accessed 02.11.2021)
4. 我国外贸稳中提质 (Chinese foreign trade improves quality while maintains an overall stability). (In Chin.). https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1713726719088472511&wfr=spider&for=pc (accessed 21.11.2021)
5. 海关总署:2020年全年我国进出口、出口总值双双创历史新高 (The General Administration of Customs: China`s foreign trade and exports rise to record high in 2020). https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1688827908081622109&wfr=spider&for=pc (In Chin.) (accessed 15.10.2021)
6. 2021年9月全国进出口总值表(人民币值 (The Department of Statistical Analysis of the General Administration of Customs of the PRC. China's total export & import values, September 2021 (in CNY). http://www.customs.gov.cn/tjs/sjgb/tjkx/3947036/index.html (accessed 19.11.2021)
7. 国常会:2020年确定新增减税降费2.5万亿 部署帮扶外贸企业渡难关 (Standing Committee of the State Council Decided to cut a total of 2.5 trillion yuan in taxes to help foreign trade companies to get over difficulties). (In Chin.). https://www.sohu.com/ a/401057298_120064303 (accessed 02.10.2021)
8. 外贸第一大省之变:广东进出口总值占全国比重由巅峰时期40%降至21% (A change of the top Chinese foreign trade province: a share of Guangdong in China`s foreign trade turnover decreased from 40% in its peak period to 21%). (In Chin.). https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1711423415438520420&wfr=spider&for=pc (accessed 28.11.2021)
9. 观察丨2020年中国对外贸易分析 (Overlook. Analysis of China`s Foreign Trade in 2020). https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1690670180657165354&wfr=spider&for=pc (In Chin.) (accessed 06.10.2021)
10. 中国有2.9亿农民工,为何工厂哭诉“招工难”?原来都干这行去了 (Why do Chinese factories face labor shortage with 290 million migrants workers? All have transferred to other sectors). (In Chin.). https://new.qq.com/omn/20210104/20210104A0G9WS00.html (accessed 03.11.2021)
11. 中国有2.9亿农民工,为何工厂哭诉“招工难”?原来都干这行去了(China has 300 million unemployed youth and companies struggling with a labor shortage, what is the problem?). (In Chin.). https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1677787356450797617 &wfr=spider&for=pc (accessed 28.10.2021)
12. Goldman Sachs cuts China growth forecast over power outages. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58704200 (accessed 28.11.2021)
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