Turkey's economy: in the search of an answer to the pandemic challenge
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Turkey's economy: in the search of an answer to the pandemic challenge
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Nataliya Ul’chenko 
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS)
Address: 11/1, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation

The article analyzes the development of the situation in the Turkish economy in the COVID-19 pandemic period.


The main difficulty Turkey faced with was the long-term usage of a growth model based on external sources of financing in the pre-crisis period. Thus, the potential of measures to support the economy within the pandemic was limited by the reduced access to resources of the greatly collapsed international financial market. At the same time, the alternative of appealing to the IMF remained extremely undesirable for the country's authorities. As a result, the Turkish government has to make a very difficult choice between self-financing of anti-crisis measures (rapid emission of Turkish lira) and limited possibilities for searching for external financing.


The decline in foreign investors' interest to the Turkish economy, combined with an increase in the volume of emission to cover emergency economic needs, has led to a significant devaluation of the Turkish lira and threatens the financial stabilization hardly achieved during the previous years of the Justice and Development Party's rule. But an attempt to protect the national currency through a hard-fought decision by the country's Central Bank to raise the political interest rate threatens the prospects of a stagnant economy to reach higher growth rates. As for the search for sources of financing abroad, the developing financial partnership with Qatar is hardly able to compensate the reduction of its previous rather sizeable volumes.

Turkey, pandemic, economic crisis, anti-crisis measures of the government, devaluation of Turkish Lira, Recep Erdogan, Berat Albayrak
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