Cameroon: structural analysis of economy on the basis of a sector approach
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Cameroon: structural analysis of economy on the basis of a sector approach
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Nicolas François Somga Bitchoga 
Affiliation: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article is devoted to the structure of Cameroon’s economy. It’s substantiated that the sectoral structure of the economy  allows  assessment  not  only  the  economic  growth  but  economic  development  as  well.  The  Cameroon’s  national  economy involves  a  large-scale  sector  of  informal  employment,  including  business  activities  without  state  registration.  The  main  object  of research is the formal component of the country’s economy. The research uses the data from the National Institute of Statistics of Cameroon. General sectoral model of national economy is described. The study is based on a three-sector model of the economy. The differences between the model used in Cameroon and the traditional version and the internal structure of each sector are revealed. An analysis of the sector structure in terms of the number of enterprises and their turnover in dynamics is carried out. The effectiveness of creating new legal entities is assessed through the coefficients of the turnover elasticity by the number of businesses. Relations between formal and informal components of economy are revealed. The estimation of indicators characterizing labor productivity is given. The structure of the formal sector of the Cameroon’s economy is assessed from the standpoint of its correspondence to the contemporary technological level. It was found that the share of the formal component in the Cameroon’s economy increased. Some provisions related to the presence of the foreign capital are formulated. The results of the study may be useful for researchers studying the economy of African countries and to policymakers responsible for the efficiency of national economy.

Cameroon’s economy, economic structure, three-sector economic model, informal economy, employment structure, labor productivity
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