«Made in China 2025»: chinese experience in achieving national development goals
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«Made in China 2025»: chinese experience in achieving national development goals
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Victoria V. Perskaya 
Affiliation: Institute for Research of International Economic Relations, Financial University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
NIkolay S. Revenko
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations, Financial University
Affiliation: Financial University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the “Made in China 2025” (MIC 2025) strategy. It notes that MIC 2025 is a comprehensive development programme for 10 key sectors: new generation IT, numerical control tools and robotics, aerospace equipment, maritime engineering  equipment  and  high-tech  ships,  advanced  railway  transportation  equipment,  energy  saving,  power  equipment, agricultural machinery, new materials, etc.

MIC  2025  is  aimed  at  developing  the  national  economy  focused  on  innovation,  abandoning  old  sectors  of  the  economy, supporting new industries, reducing dependence on foreign technologies and investment, and strengthening the country’s position as a world leader. It also aims to reposition China in a limited period of time from a world producer of inexpensive goods to a competitor of developed economies, to raise the domestic content of core materials and components to 70% by 2025. The authorities actively promote the modernization of Chinese companies, inter alia, they facilitate their access to foreign intellectual property through the acquisition of patents and enterprises using public funds. The main problem for the strategy implementation is the pressure on Chinese industry from both industrial economies, and manufacturers from India, Brazil, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries able to supply products at lower prices.

The Western expert economic community unanimously has as strong negative sense of the strategy and sees it as a threat, since it implies the transformation of China into a «manufacturing superpower» that dominated the world market in high-tech industries. Western countries also blame China for the fact that MIC 2025 contravenes the WTO rules and undermines the competitiveness of their companies.

MIC 2025, инновации, government support, competitiveness, intellectual property, local manufacturing content
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