Indian Experience to Stimulate Economic Development: Make in India Programme
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Indian Experience to Stimulate Economic Development: Make in India Programme
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Lilia S. Revenko 
Occupation: Professor, Nikolay Liventsev Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Ties, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia
Affiliation: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
NIkolay S. Revenko
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations, Financial University
Affiliation: Financial University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the Make in India programme made public by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September 2014. It notes that the programme is a logical follow-up of the country’s large-scale economic liberalization initiated in 1991-1992. The article focuses the goals of the program (to increase the share of the manufacturing sector from 15% to 25% by 2025, to stimulate foreign direct investment flow and innovation, to raise the intellectual property rights protection level, to create new jobs) and the measures taken by the Indian government. In particular, many sectors of the economy have been fully opened to foreign investors, and the need to obtain permit from the authorities to invest in most sectors has been canceled. The requirement to obtain government approval and share restrictions on the FDI permitted under the government route remain for banking, broadcasting content services, multibrand  retail trading, print media, defense, biotechnology and some other sectors, and the share of foreign investments to infrastructure companies in the securities market, insurance, pensions, petroleum refining and power exchange is limited to 49%. The programme provides for the creation of new industrial clusters, consisted of 5 industrial corridors with a world-class infrastructure. A number of procedures related to business opening and running have been simplified to attract investments.

The article notes that the implementation of the programme resulted in a significant increase in FDI in many sectors of the economy, but the effect is lower than expected under the influence of both objective (lack of electricity and qualified personnel, underdeveloped transport infrastructure) and subjective (complex legislation, conflicts with trade unions) factors.

Make in India, economic development, FDI stimulation
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6. Пахомов Е. Следуй Моди – делай в Индии. (Pakhomov E. Follow Modi – Make in India) (In Russ.) – (accessed 16.08.2019)

7. Приезжайте, производите в Индии // Business Guide, June 2015, Special Review, 26 p. (Come, Make in India // Business Guide, June 2015, Special Review, 26 p.) (In Russ.) – (accessed 16.08.2019)

8. PM Narendra Modi: India will be open to business, ideas to make it a global manufacturing hub – (accessed 16.08.2019)

9. Focus on ‘Make in India’ – (accessed 16.08.2019)

10. Foreign Direct Investment – (accessed 16.08.2019)

11. Industrial Corridor – (accessed 17.08.2019)

12. Why Invest in India – (accessed 17.08.2019)

13. New Initiatives – (accessed 17.08.2019)

14. Roads and Highways – (accessed 26.07.2019)

15. Foreign Direct Investment. Summary – (accessed 16.07.2019)

16. Automotive Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Department of Heavy Industries, 2016, 8 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

17. Aviation Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Civil Aviation, 2017, 8 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

18. Defence Manufacturing Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Department of Defence Production, 2017, 7 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

19. Make In India Scheme – Sectors, Programs Launched and Achievements – (accessed 20.07.2019)

20. Biotechnology Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Department of Biotechnology, 2017, 6 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

21. Electronics & IT Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 9 p. – Y0N0S00/view (accessed 19.07.2019)

22. Railways Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, 2017, 7 p. – view (accessed 19.07.2019)

23. Power Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Power, 2016, 8 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

24. New and Renewable Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, 2017, 7 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

25. Tourism & Hospitality Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Tourism, 2016, 9 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

26. Chemicals & Petrochemicals Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, 2017, 7 p. – HYndkQW8/view (accessed 19.07.2019)

27. Food Processing Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Food Processing Industries, 2016, 8 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

28. Media & Entertainment. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 2017, 7 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

29. Oil & Gas Sector. Achievements Report. New Delhi, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, 2017, 9 p. – (accessed 19.07.2019)

30. What is ‘Make in India’? – (accessed 16.07.2019)


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