China’s Strategy in the Russian Far East: Problems and Prospects
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China’s Strategy in the Russian Far East: Problems and Prospects
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Zhanna Petrunina 
Occupation: Head, History and Archival Studies Department, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University
Affiliation: Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University
Address: Russian Federation, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Galina Shusharina
Occupation: Head, Linguistics and Cross-culture Communication Department, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University
Affiliation: Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University
Address: Russian Federation, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Currently, the Asia-Pacific region (APR) is one of the world military-political, economic and scientific-technological centers. The rapidly developing Asia-Pacific countries have a limited raw material base and are interested in the presence of a stable economic partner in the region. Russia could be such a partner. A special place among the partners of the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific region is occupied by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The leaders of both countries pursue policies aimed at strengthening and expanding comprehensive cooperation in various formats. Many projects are implemented in the border regions of Russia and China and are aimed at giving impetus to the economic development of territories and improving the living standards of the population of the Far East. The sources analyzed were publications presented in the media resources of Russia and China. This made it possible to identify general and specific positions in the socio-political opinion of both countries regarding the prospects for Russian-Chinese interaction in the Far East of our country. The study notes that the Russian Far East has traditionally been wary of considering an increase in the Chinese presence in the region. In turn, the Chinese media criticized the pace of development of the Russian Far East at the present stage, which leads to a gradual decrease in the interest of Chinese business representatives to regional partnership in existing formats. The cooperation between Russia and China in the Far East is in the interests of both parties, but in the realities of a changing world it makes us look for new areas of cooperation.

Far East of Russia, China, public opinion, cross-border cooperation, regional identity, values
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