Use Of Information Influence Tools On Arabic-Speaking Audience In The Foreign Policy Of Russia
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Use Of Information Influence Tools On Arabic-Speaking Audience In The Foreign Policy Of Russia
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Ziad Shahoud (Syria) 
Occupation: Post-graduate student, Faculty of International Relations
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Russia has always had a strong presence in the Arab world since Soviet times, and this interest in the region is only increasing in latest years. Arabic language is spoken by over 300 million people and major world powers have localized their political information tools (TV, websites, social networks etc.) into this language to be able to make a greater impact in the Middle East and North Africa.

The article attempts to analyze the tools of information influence used on the Arabic speaking audience of the Middle East and North Africa in the arsenal of Russia’s foreign policy, focusing on the information activities of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russia Today media group in Arabic. It outlines the need to expand the Arabic presence on main internet sites of the foreign ministry to post relevant information and to successfully convey the country’s stance to a larger audience in the Arab world. The Article points out that Russia’s use of information technology in the Arab world is still lagging behind and unable to reach the same level as Russia’s actual presence in the region and its interests and ambitions.

By analyzing the tools used by Russia’s foreign policy when dealing with this part of the world, we clearly see that there is a lot still to be done to address the Arab speaking audience, especially with the use of modern tools such as social networks. The analysis shows that the level of “Russia’s digital diplomacy” in the Arab world needs more improvements and requires a clear long-term information strategy aimed particularly at this region. 

foreign policy, information policy, Russia, digital diplomacy, the Middle East, Arabic
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