The Middle East: Water and Security
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The Middle East: Water and Security
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Alexander O. Filonik 
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladimir Isaev
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University

Water in the Middle East is dispersed greatly throughout the region causing uneven deficit of resource playing vital role in current economic and social development of countries in this part of the world. Unbalanced water supply and related problems show themselves distinctly at the national levels with different intensity typical for every specific case in line with combination of many factors having diverse historical depth. In one way the same factors affect seriously the security situation in the region if to take into special consideration that the majority of local waterways may be regarded as cross-board ones, and thus political efforts are needed to work out legal foundations for controversial issues relating to joint water use. The Arab governments are currently facing very serious challenges making the elites to think over their political moves in the squeamish niche that turns into a space where the most irritating problems have concentrated in close proximity to the stalemate. The whole process should be painful in many regards due to the objective reasons, caused by the erratic distribution of the scarce recourse that in any case (even in the best one) must be treated as at least not only easily available matter, but also as a diminishing value. Under such conditions the full scale settling of the water problem has little chances to be reached in the Arab East in foreseeable future. No doubt that the Arabs should themselves look for a way out from this drastic situation. Otherwise the new antagonisms will be accumulated and will not allow to overwhelm contradictions hampering progress in right directions before the required recourse is exhausted and the time is lost.

the Middle East, Africa, water recourses, water deficit, distribution of water, security, conflicts
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