The Formation of the Qatari-Turkish Alliance
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The Formation of the Qatari-Turkish Alliance
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Timur R. Khayrullin 
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

The article attempts to study the phenomenon of the Qatari-Turkish Alliance, which managed to strengthen its leadership positions in the Arab region during the events of the Arab spring through the support of the Society of the Muslim Brothers. For this reason, the policy of State of Qatar and Republic of Turkey in relation to the Society of the Muslim Brothers is compared. The comparative analysis has revealed that State of Qatar and Republic of Turkey share and support the ideology of moderate Islamism of the Society of the Muslim Brothers and have a long history of interaction with them. State of Qatar sees the Society of the Muslim Brothers as a good ideological springboard for its regional expansion, with its economic strength tied in, but because of its small territory, it has little chance. In its turn, Republic of Turkey, with the coming to power of the Islamist Justice and Development Party, has strengthened its interaction with the Society of the Muslim Brothers, but due to the ethnic factor, has a weak prospect of achieving serious success alone within the Arab region. For this reason, the unification of State of Qatar and Republic of Turkey was strategically important. Acting alone, Qatar and Turkey had little chance of achieving a leading position in the Arab region. In the context of protracted processes of instability, only through joint efforts it is possible to achieve significant results on the political map of the Arab world. Moreover, it is the close cooperation of Ankara and Doha with the Society of the Muslim Brothers has become a strong basis for the formation of the Qatari-Turkish Alliance, which, contrary to popular opinion, was formed a few years before the events of the Arab spring.

Qatar, Turkey, Alliance, Muslim brotherhood, Arab spring, AKP, Arab region, Islamism
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