Ethnocultural Traditions of Urianghais of Mongolia: Present-Day Situation (Fieldwork Account)
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Ethnocultural Traditions of Urianghais of Mongolia: Present-Day Situation (Fieldwork Account)
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Antonina Dongak 
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow, Department of Mongol Studies
Affiliation: Tuvan Institute for Applied Studies of Humanities and Socioeconomics
Oyumaa Saaya
Affiliation: Tuvan Institute for Applied Studies of Humanities and Socioeconomics
Bayarsaikhan Badarch
Affiliation: Tuvan Institute for Applied Studies of Humanities and Socioeconomics

This article is devoted to the present-day ethnocultural situation amongst Urianghais of Western Mongolia brought to light in the course of field trips conducted in 2015 in order to obtain new scientific data for revelation of common features in ethnocultural traditions of Tuvans who live in Mongolia and those living in Siberia. Being a part of Mongolian people, the Urianghais still preserved some features in their language and traditional culture that are particularly similar to the culture of Tuvans. In this connection, the culture of the minorities of Western Mongolia, such as the Urianghais, is no exception and can be a study area of scholarly interest. The Urianghais live in Hovd aimag of Mongolia, in Monhhairhan sum (about 3 thousand people who make up 99% of the population) and in Duut sum. These two localities remain small areas where the Urianghais preserved their culture and spoken language as a dialect of the Mongolian language. Through the lens of these issues, the goal of the article is to study special features of spiritual and material culture of the Urianghais living in Hovd aimag of Mongolia in the context of All-Mongolian nation and historical interrelationships with Turkic peoples. The fieldtrip results are of applied significance for further study of ethnic history, language contacts and regional ethnocultural traditions of Turkic-language peoples of Western Mongolia and those of the Sayan-Altai. The fieldwork was based on participant observation and interviewing. Thus, the Altai Urianghais have preserved their own traditions and culture up to the present time. According to them, the Urianghai dialect is being gradually lost under the influence of the Mongolian language. This is clearly in evidence in the speech of the younger generation. Nevertheless, the ethnonyms typical of such Turkic-language peoples as Tuvans and Altais have not been lost, which can serve an evidence of relationship of the Urianghais with present-day Tuvans.

West Mongolia, expedition, Uryanghais
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