Family as a Factor of Schoolchildren’s High Educational Achievements in Asian Countries
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Family as a Factor of Schoolchildren’s High Educational Achievements in Asian Countries
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Larisa N. Danilova 
Affiliation: K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University

International comparative studies like PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS invariably confirm best educational results of schoolchildren from a number of Asian countries in comparison with their peers from Western states, which is partly explained by the specific educational culture formed in the region, built on certain social conditions and national traditions. It doesn’t matter whether it is Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore, because school marks play a very important role both for a student and his family directly determining his/her educational future, and for teachers and schools, determining their ratings. In Asia persistence, hard work and discipline are values that bring success, unlike in Western pedagogy where all educational achievements are explained with the child’s natural ability and with talents of the teacher.The family plays a crucial role in success of a child, that is brightly proved by the practice of raising children in East Asia and also Singapore, where are widespread early development and education, additional education of preschool children, deep immersion of mothers in the educational process of their children. Intensive participation of parents in that process helps to form at an early age motivation for learning, understanding of practical value of knowledge, value of schooling itself, and it contributes to early professional orientation of a child. It also provides control over the child’s achievements and targeted management of the educational progress. Parental participation in children’s education early forms in children a feeling of duty and responsibility to the parents for their studies, it also forms in parents an understanding of responsibility for their child’s successes and for his professional future.This article characterizes on the examples of Japan, China and Singapore with help of the anthropological and cultural approaches the educational potential of a family in Asian culture, justifying the crucial importance of Asian parents’ influence on the educational achievements of their children.

education in Japan, education in Singapore, education in China, ethno-pedagogy, PISA, juku, kiasu
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