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The article explores the role of African students trained in the USSR in three Cold War propaganda campaigns of 1960. The adversaries employed black students to generate the sought-for image of the Soviet Union The aim of Western and pro-Western African media was to present the USSR as a dangerous Wonderland that was not suitable for the life and education of black young people, as a colonial power with imperialist ambitions. Western propaganda was offensive, initiated information campaigns operated with real facts, spiced with fiction, resorted to disinformation. Soviet propaganda was of a reactive, counterpropagandistic nature, exposed the propaganda of the enemy, defamed its disseminators, tried to create a positive and attractive image of the USSR, embellishing the Soviet reality.
African Students in the USSR, Cold War History, propaganda and counterpropaganda, the image of the USSR
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Additional sources and materials

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28. Love Hate & Propaganda: The Cold War. Theophilus U.Chukwuemeka Okonkwo - (accessed 11.02.2017)
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34. AVP RF. F. 586. Op. 5. P. 3. D. 14. L. 73. The communists say… the Africans reply. 10 home truths about the People’s Friendship University in Moscow. (Avtor vyrazhaet blagodarnost' L.V.Ivanovoj, kotoraya lyubezno predostavila ehtu publikatsiyu v ego rasporyazhenie).
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37. AVP RF. F. 586. Op. 5. P. 3. D. 14. L. 59. Posol'stvo SSSR v Somalijskoj respublike - zaveduyuschemu pervym afrikanskim otdelom MID SSSR A.A.Shvedovu, 22 maya 1961 g.
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