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The article analyses the urgency of the problem of water resources and the reasons for the shortage of fresh water in the world. One of the most acute issues is the problem of regulating the use of water in transboundary rivers, especially considering the conflict potential between the states on whose territory they flow. The probability of conflicts arising from water is estimated. Historical examples of disputes are given because of the delimitation of rivers and lakes between neighboring countries. The authors pay special attention to the Nile River and underscore the importance of the problem of the equitable distribution of the Nile waters. The authors considered the historical agreement of 1959 between Sudan and Egypt which in many ways laid the foundation for understanding the problem of the Nile basin. In this regard, the authors attach particular importance to the construction of the «Great Renaissance Dam» by Ethiopia, which can make Ethiopia the largest exporter of electricity in the region after South Africa. Thus, Ethiopia also creates the conditions for reconfiguring a new geopolitical «balance of power» on the African continent. According to the authors, the dam is a direct challenge to Egypt. Modern agreements and documents on the Nile between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan are of a framework nature, and this increases the likelihood that the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt threatens with new conflicts in the region. Separately, the authors noted the role of Sudan, which has good reasons to support the erection of Ethiopia's «Dam of the Great Renaissance». Finally the authors come to the conclusion that the geopolitical alignment of forces among the key coastal Nile states is still ambiguous.
shortage of water, Africa, Ethiopia, the Nile, waterworks
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Additional sources and materials

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