Articles submitted to the journal are subject to mandatory review.
The purpose of reviewing is improving the quality of materials to be published in the journal through their independent evaluation by qualified experts.
Editor-in-Chief (his First Deputy, a member of the Editorial Board) determines whether the article submitted to the editorial office complies with the requirements imposed by the character of the journal and by design requirements. After that the article is sent for review to a specialist (Dr.Sc. or PhD, including members of the Editorial Board) who has a good understanding of the problems considered in the article.


The review process

1.  Authors remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout the process.
2. A review (0,5 to 1 page) should be written in a free form and include the following:
    - reasoned assessment of the scientific (theoretical and conceptual)
      level of the article;
    - evaluation of the degree of novelty of the results obtained by the authors and their practical significance in the relevant field of knowledge;
    - general list of criticisms and their analysis;
    - conclusion on the quality of the reviewed manuscript from the point of view of terminology and the use of the literary Russian language
      (if the manuscript is in Russian);
   - recommendation to accept the paper for publication, with or without editorial revisions; or to invite the authors to revise their manuscript to address specific concerns; or to reject outright (with appropriate reasoning).

The period of preparation of a review is one month from the date of its submission to the reviewers.

3. A review should be signed by the reviewer, certified by the Department  of Human Resources at the main job of the reviewer, and then sent to the editorial office.
4. If the reviewer provides a positive recommendation, the article is accepted for publication.
5. If the reviewer recommends to reject the manuscript, the editorial office may submit the article for revision or send it to another reviewer.
6. If there is any disagreement between the reviewers (one review is positive, another is negative), it is up to the Editor-in-Chief (his first Deputy, the Editorial Board) to make the final decision.
7. The authors, with permission of the reviewer, may familiarize themselves with the reviews (on the condition of anonymity of the reviewers).
All reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years from the date when the issue of the journal containing the reviewed article was published.