The renovation processes in the Middle East and North Africa in the 21 century
The renovation processes in the Middle East and North Africa in the 21 century
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Ткаченко Александр Алексеевич 
Должность: Заведующий Центром изучения стран Северной Африки и Африканского Рога ИАфр РАН
Аффилиация: Институт Африки РАН
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Ткаченко Константин Александрович
Должность: Research Fellow, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Аффилиация: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва

The article shows renovation/modernization processes that were started in the last quarter of the XX century in the Middle East and North Africa. Those renovation/modernization processes impacted nearly every of 23 countries of the region, but the impact varied in time and forms/depth. The effects of the processes were different, though there were a number of reasons for the transformation/renovation shifts, which in a way could be considered common for a big group of quite different countries.

One of the most striking features of this phenomenon, named differently in countless articles and monographs, devoted to this country, regional and global sociopolitical event – a mass protest movement, an uprising, a turmoil (fitna), revolutions, upheaval, civil wars, the Arab Spring – has become a wide range of assessments made by experts and politicians [1]. This range included both bashing and blasting, and a Nobel prize awarded to a group of credible public organizations of Tunisia – the birthplace of the Arab Spring (to the General confederation of Tunisian trade unions, Tunisian manufacturing, Trade and crafts confederation, Tunisian league for human rights and Tunisian lawyer union) – the initiator and active participant in reconciliation talks.

This article is devoted mainly to an attempt to determine the near future and the more distant perspective of the Southern Mediterranean and the Arab Peninsular countries in the light of more or less established assessments of reasons and consequences of political turmoil in the region at the end of 2000s – early 2010s, and the lessons learned from the Arab Spring. This may be done with regard to a wide range of factors affecting development of the Arab states "from within" (country-specific circumstances of development, cultural and civilization processes) and "from outside" (regional and global factors), particularly to globalization and progressively evolving uncertainty in international relations at the second decade of XXI century.

Ключевые слова
Middle East, North Africa, modernization, Arab Spring, civilization processes, globalization, Islam, world economy, ecology, conflicts, international safety
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