Nationalism of M.K.Ataturk as the state ideology of the Republic of Turkey
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Nationalism of M.K.Ataturk as the state ideology of the Republic of Turkey
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Nikolay Shestakov 
Occupation: Post-graduate student
Affiliation: Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyses the stages of formation of the national ideology of the Republic of Turkey in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as the theoretical guidelines on which the authorities relied in implementing the policy of nationalism. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the subsequent war of independence and the establishment of republican Turkey in the new society, there was an acute lack of a unifying idea for the formation of national identity. The question of preparing and conducting reforms in the organization of the new state, the political system, the economy, and culture was put on the agenda. Total secularization of all spheres of social life deprived the Muslims (who constituted the majority of the population of Turkey) of the dominant collective identity, which hastily had to be replaced by something. The new authorities (headed by M.K.Ataturk) have created an effective system of ideological influence on society in the spirit of Turkish nationalism, which recognizes the European path of development as the most acceptable for building a developed Turkish society. Significant changes have been made in the areas of Turkish language (by creating a new alphabet) and history (development of completely new theory of the formation of the Turkish nation). Having become a monopolist in the field of ideology, the Kemalists have achieved some success: the spirit of national unity was created, a sense of national pride was strengthened among the Turks, various social groups were united around common goals. In domestic politics, nationalism became the main factor in mobilizing the masses for the revolutionary changes carried out by the Kemalists.

nation, M.K.Ataturk, kemalism, state ideology, turkism, nationalism
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